My Music
Flamenco and Flamenco Fusion
My Flamenco, and Flamenco Fusion
My Flamenco, and Flamenco Fusion
NicolinaTheCat 2
No Se Baila (Esta Rumba)
This is a video compilation that was done many moons ago in Portland with David Valdez whom I met during my Santa Fe period. Dave was/is and excellent jazz saxophonist who moved to Portland and started his production company. He invited me up to Portland to do this project and I'm really glad he preserved it. Out of the blue I thought about the project and got in touch with him. He lives in Danang, Vietnam- very happily!
Fue en Santa Fe, Nuevo México. Jesús dormía la siesta en nuestro sofá, mi hija Lilah jugaba en el suelo, mi esposa Shari preparaba el almuerzo ... yo practicaba mi nueva rumba. Jesús se sentó, le gustó la canción y me preguntó cuál era el nombre. Le dije. Me hizo saber que el nombre apestaba. Me dijo que volvería a dormir y se despertaría con un buen nombre. Luego se sentó abruptamente y gritó "¡Sueños Gitanos! ¡Ese es el nombre de esa rumba!" (Guitarra: Ricardo Marlow)
"Journey to Santa Fe: An American Odyssey"
-My next ouvre . It is a Music Drama based on my adventures on the way, and in, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
"La Mora"was the theme songI was composing along my cross-country motorcycle trip- Atlanta, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Santa Fe. At the time I was listening to Industrial and starting to learn Flamenco.
"Gothic Anthem" a piece I had been working on before I began my Journey to Santa Fe. It was the second recording I made there after "La Mora"
Moi, on the way out of Atlanta with Oliver- the beginning of "Journey to Santa Fe; An American Odyssey".
PsychoActive8- a Rap/Metal band ahead of its time (circa 1988-1991)
Oliver and Andy, the front men of PsychoActive8. Oliver was the main rapper, and Andy rapped and beat-boxed.
Yours truly, wrote most of the music.
(story coming soon)
Cem Özkan, from Istanbul, Turkey, was a fellow marauder. He helped arrange, record, and came up with several of the themes....such as News at 6, and Lost in a Nightmare (see below)
He was , and is still, a great friend!
In Istanbul he is a well-known singer, composer, and producer
His Facebook:
Dies Irae, The Rakes, and Poison (not that other band) spanned from late 70's to mid 80's.
Drummers came and went, but the core remained:
Moi, Gerard- lead vocals and guitar
Paul- Keyboards and vocals
John Mark- bass
The three of us met at the University of Georgia music school. A lot of stories, for another time.
[note: John Mark is not in the first photo below, that's one of our numerous drummers, Bruce Blick. JMB had a rough night before and didn't make to the photo shoot).
Remakes with various musicians and Ai art
Life Before the Fall
Life Before the Fall
The Early Atlanta Years
Being in a Rock Band is like being part of a Viking raiding party- always in search of inspiration, plunder and booty. It never get's old. Unfortunately, we do.
The photo above is a recent John Mark, still playing the bass in the Atlanta area under the name of "Cousin Chickens" (He has a Face Book page). In the Poison Photo above and to the left of that photo, he's the second from the left- with the smirk on his face and his paw on Paul's girlfriend's shoulder...sly guy...he is also second from the left on the poster photo to the left.
Special note: The female backup voice you hear on Headhunter, Rich Kid's Reggae, and Don't Call Me was my then-girlfriend/partner-in-crime, then wife, then x, Carrie Springer.
This is Paul playing the lead role of Claude Hooper Bukowski in a local production of the musical "Hair". JMB and myself were in the band off-stage, but there are no surviving photos.
We were all three still in Athens about to graduate from the UGA Music Department; John Mark, stand-up bass, Paul, piano, and myself, classical guitar.
Paul went on to be an anesthesiologist , and a captain in the Air Force reserve. He's married with two beautiful daughters.
My Classical Guitar Senior Recital
Classical Guitar Performance
University of Georgia, Athens, 1976
To the right is a photocopy of my Senior Recital program for my BFA in Classical Guitar, Music Performance. Below that is a Playlist of the original reel-to-reel recording divided up by piece.
Below the Playlist of the recital is a series of commentaries on the program and the pieces.
I am also putting together a video box that will consist of various styles of visuals to accompany individual pieces. The event was live, all the applauses, tuning, noises, etc are part of the original reel-to-reel. The videos will eventually be in order, but for now I am simply entering them as I make them.
My Senior Recital, UGA, 1976
My Senior Recital, UGA, 1976
Classical Guitar: Fugue and Allegro, 1st Violin Sonata, by J S Bach
Classical Guitar: Tarantella, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, by W. Gerard Poole, Senior Recital-1971.
Some comments on the Recital
The "E." in Gerard E. Poole... I made up an sort of "Elven" name... I was still in my "Lord of the Rings" faze... early sign of my life long flirtation with delusions...
#7 - Zambra Granadina- You may have noticed that it is only 1 minute, 30 seconds long. The engineer fell asleep and didn't notice the first reel had run out. He replaced the reel and caught the last minute and a half. At least he caught it and had a second reel, otherwise the last three pieces, including the Fugue would have been lost.
#8 - Leyenda- unlike all the other pieces, only Leyenda and Prelude I did I continue to play most of my life. Although they were always two of my best pieces, for some reason I played them rather poorly at the recital. Maybe I was too confident and neglected practicing the for the event. In later years I could walk into an establishment and get hired just based on playing one of those two pieces.